Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Poetry Recital Project: Ode To Thanks

Ode to Thanks
written by Pablo Neruda - translated by Ken Krabbenhoft
Thanks to the word
that says thanks!
Thanks to thanks,
that melts
iron and snow!
The world is a threatening place
makes the rounds
from one pair of lips to another,
soft as a bright
and sweet as a petal of sugar,
filling the mouth with its sound
or else a mumbled
Life becomes human again:
it’s no longer an open window.
A bit of brightness
strikes into the forest,
and we can sing again beneath the leaves.
Thanks, you’re the medicine we take
to save us from
the bite of scorn.
Your light brightens the altar of harshness.
Or maybe
a tapestry
to far distant peoples.
fan out
into the wilds,
and in the jungle
of strangers,
rings out
while the hustling train
changes countries,
sweeping away borders,
then spasibo
clinging to pointy
volcanoes, to fire and freezing cold,
or danke, yes! and gracias, and
the world turns into a table:
a single word has wiped it clean,
plates and glasses gleam,
silverware tinkles,
and the tablecloth is as broad as a plain.
Thank you, thanks,
for going out and returning,
for rising up
and settling down.
We know, thanks,
that you don’t fill every space-
you’re only a word-
where your little petal
the daggers of pride take cover,
and there’s a penny’s worth of smiles.

Saturday, April 23, 2011



Line is a unit of language in which a poem or a stanza is devided. Line in poetry is the same as a single sentence in essay.

Broccoli for breakfast.
Broccoli for lunch.
Broccoli that's tender.
Broccoli with crunch.

There are 4 lines in the poem above.

Every line has an idea in a poem. Lines help readers know where and when to stop to think back what they've just read.



A symbol is a place, a person, a thing, or an event that has meaning in itself and stands for something else. In literature as well as poetry, some symbols are well-known and obvious, and some are subtle and personal.

In "For my grandmother", the flower has meaning as a plant blooms and produces seed, but it also syands for Countee Cullen's grandmother.

Symbols compare two things together, and convey more things than its obvious meaning. Symbols also express a poet's feeling or attitude towards someone or something.



The use of whose sounds suggest or imitate their meaning. 

Proud penguins
Walking wobbling
Swimming splashing
Divine dolphins
Performing playing
Spinning swiftly.

Onomatopoeia helps bring sound to poems and allows poets bring sound and sense together. This is also  a descriptive language because it can affect our hearing. 



The repetition of vowel sounds in words that are chose together to create rhyming is called assonance.

Hear the mellow wedding bells,
Golden bells!
What a world of happiness their harmony foretells!
Through the balmy air of night
How they ring out their delight!

Assonance is a poetic devices that can create rhyming which can add music, beat or rhythm into poems. Assonance also can affect the mood and tone of poems.



The repetition of consonant soundsin words that are close together. Although alliteration usually occurs at the begining of words, it can also occur within or at the end of words.  

Rain races,
Ripping like wind.
Its restless rage
Rattle like
Rocks ripping through
The air.

Alliteration gives poems imagery and makes poems more memorable and interested to read.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Types Of Poetry

There are different types of poetry that are writen in many different ways. Those are narratives, ballads, epics, lyrics, sonnets, odes, elegies, and free verse


Narratives are poems that tell stories. Narrative poems include plots, characters, settings, themes...

Thanksgiving is in the tears
that burst like ripe grapes.
Proclaiming, see you next year,
we wave, begin to panic.
With these tears, the further we go
the tighter we are entwined.
We hold onto each others image,
hold each other way-deep
as the bus pulls us apart,
stretching our gratitude for miles.


Ballads are songs or songlike poems that tell stories. These stories often talk about death, betrayal or love. Ballads usually have a regular, steady rhythm, and use simple language. Ballads also have refrains which are repeated words, phrases, or a group of lines.

Light do I see within my Lady’s eyes
And loving spirits in its plenisphere
Which bear in strange delight on my heart’s care
Till Joy’s awakened from that sepulchre.
That which befalls me in my Lady’s presence
Bars explanation intellectual.
I seem to see a lady wonderful
Spring forth between her lips, one whom no sense
Can fully tell the mind of, and one whence
Another, in beauty, springeth marvelous,
From whom a star goes forth and speaketh thus:
"Now my salvation is gone forth from thee."
There where this Lady’s loveliness appeareth,
Is heard a voice which goes before her ways
And seems to sing her name with such sweet praise
That my mouth fears to speak what name she beareth,
And my heart trembles for the grace she weareth,
While far in my soul’s deep the sighs astir
Speak thus: "Look well! For if thou look on her,
Then shalt thou see her virtue risen in heaven."



Epics are long narrative poems writen in a formal, elegant language that tell about a series of missions undertaken by great heroes.

from The Odyssey by Homer
Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turns
driven time and again off course, once he had plundered
the hallowed heights of Troy.
Many cities of men he saw and learned their minds,
many pains he suffered, heartsick on the open sea,
fighting to save his life and bring his comrades home.
But he could not save them from disaster, hard as he strove--
the recklessness of their own ways destroyed them all,
the blind fools, they devoured the cattle of the Sun
and the Sungod blotted out the day of their return.
Launch out on his story, Muse, daughter of Zeus,
start from where you will--sing for our time too.
By now,
all the survivors, all who avoided headlong death
were safe at home, escaped the wars and waves.
But one man alone . . .
his heart set on his wife and his return--Calypso,
the bewitching nymph, the lustrous goddess, held him back,
deep in her arching caverns, craving him for a husband.


Lyric poems usually do not tell a story. Instead, they express personal thoughts and feelings of the poet ot the speaker. Lyric poems are usually short, and evoke a strong emotion.

I heard a fly buzz when I died;
The stillness round my form
Was like the stillness in the air
Between the heaves of storm.

The eyes beside had wrung them dry,
And breaths were gathering sure
For that last onset, when the king
Be witnessed in his power.


A specific type of lyric poems that is always fourteen lines long and wrtten in iambic pentameter. There are two main forms of sonnets: Elizabethan and Italian. 

The poetry of earth is never dead:
When all the birds are faint with the hot sun,
And hide in cooling trees, a voice will run
From hedge to hedge about the new-mown mead;
That is the Grasshopper's--he takes the lead
In summer luxury,--he has never done
With his delights; for when tired out with fun
He rests at ease beneath some pleasant weed.
The poetry of earth is ceasing never:
On a lone winter evening, when the frost
Has wrought a silence, from the stove there shrills
The Cricket's song, in warmth increasing ever,
And seems to one in drowsiness half lost,
The Grasshopper's among some grassy hills.


Odes are long, complex, lyric poems that are wrtten to celebrate a person or a thing in elegant language. Odes are originated in ancient Greek. 

Thanks to the word
that says thanks!
Thanks to thanks,
that melts
iron and snow!
The world is a threatening place
makes the rounds
from one pair of lips to another,
soft as a bright
and sweet as a petal of sugar,
filling the mouth with its sound
or else a mumbled
Life becomes human again:
it’s no longer an open window.



A sorrowful, mournful and plaintive poem, usually lamenting the death of someone.
O Captain my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

Free verse

Poems that do not follow a regular rhyme scheme or meter, but do include elements of poetry, such as imagery, alliteration, onomatopoeia, and figures of speech ( similies, metaphors, personification).


The fog comes
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011



A basic rhythmic structure of a verse. Meter is when the stresses occur in a regular pattern.

That time | of year | thou mayst | in me | behold
5 iambs, 10 syllables

Meter and rhythm are closely related. The job of meter as well as is to bring some sord of emotion to the readers or listeners, to touch their heart with the words and syllables.



A sorrowful, mournful and plaintive poem, usually lamenting the death of someone.

The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,
The lowing herd winds slowly over the lea,
The ploughman homeward plods his weary way,
And leaves the world to darkness and to me.

Elegies express the feelings, mercy, grief, and laments of poets for the death of their beloved ones. Instead of hiding all the sorrow and pain, people can express all of them through writings.



A couplet is a pair of  two lines that have the same meter and usually rhyme at the end words. A couplet may or may not seperate stanzas.

I like to play with my cat
He likes to get in a hat.

We can almost do anything with couplets. They can stand as a single thought, which means they can exist on their own and be a separate stanza or poem. Rhyming couplets make peoms easy and interesting to read.

Monday, April 11, 2011



repetition poster example 1

The repetition of the same or similiar sounds at the end of two or more words most often at the ends of lines. There are several types of rhymes such as " Double rhyme, Triple rhyme, Rising rhyme..."

"Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been?"
"I've been to London to look at the queen".
"Pussy cat, pussy cat, what did you do there?"
"I frightened a little mouse under her chair".

Rhyme can create rhythm. Rhyme teaches students the sound of language anf language skills. Rhyme is also important because it gives poems the beat which makes poems easy to read and remember. 



Rhythm is the beat of music in poems. It's the regular repetition of stressed and unstressed syllables.

There once was a young girl named Jill.
Who was scared by the sight of a drill.
She brushed every day
So her dentist would say,
“Your teeth are so perfect; no bill.”

Rhythm is significant in poetry because poetry is emotionally charged and intense. Rhythm gives the poem melodies and tunes which makes the poem more intersting to read. It also helps readers concentrate more into the poem.



A type of metaphor that a nonhuman object is described as or act like a human.

The wind screamed as it raced around the house.

Personification is a figurative language that are used to make poems more interesting and creative. It gives readers a vivid image of what is being personified and talked about in the poem.



A person or character whose experiences, feelings, and thoughts are expressed in a poem. The speaker can be the poet who tells about his or her own experiences.

With an evil eye that stares you down
and a bulbous warty nose,
a furrowed brow, a nasty scowl,
and old outdated clothes,
my costume is the scariest
the world has ever seen.
I’m not an ogre, ghost, or ghoul:
I’m a teacher for Halloween.

The speaker of the poem above is a teacher.

The speaker in a poem allows us to who is telling the story. The speaker can change the tone of the poem if the speaker is the poet.



The attitude toward the subjects, characters, or audience implied in poems created by the poets.

My foot fell asleep
right inside of my shoe
from sitting around
having nothing to do.
It hadn't drank warm milk
nor tried to count sheep;
it just wasn't busy,
and fell right asleep.
The poem above has the tone of humour.

Tones expresses the poet's attitude or opinion toward something which can easily show the meaning or message that the poet is trying to convey to us.



An analysis and explanation of the meaning of a work of art such as poems, or a piece of literature.

You're a dependable source of comfort;
You're my cushion when I fall.
You help in times of trouble;
You support me whenever I call.

 I love you more than you know;
You have my total respect.
 If I had my choice of mothers,
You'd be the one I'd select.

Interpretation: The poem shows the love of the poet for his or her mother.

Interpretation shows the understanding of poems, helps readers to have a deeper comprehending of the meaning or message that the poets try to convey.



A type of figure of speech that is a indirect comparison between two unlike things using  words " like as, resemble..."

Doing homework is like running a marathon.

Similes make poems more interesting and entertaining by using comparisons. Similes can help create analogous thought.

Extended Metaphor


An extended metaphor is a type of metaphor. Extended metaphors are used to compare two unlike things that continues throughout a series of lines in poems.

"Hope is the thing with feathers
  That perches in the soul,
  And sings the tune--without the words,
  And never stops at all,

"And sweetest in the gale is heard;
  And sore must be the storm
  That could abash the little bird
  That kept so many warm.

  Extended metaphors make poems become more interesting and entertaining.  It  helps readers understand more about the experiences of the poets, also can  increase the creativity of students.



A metaphor is a figure of speech. It is a concept of understanding one thing in terms of another which can construct an analogy. Metaphors are used to compare two unlike things directly without using words such as “like, as”.

Her laughter is a gentle melody.

Metaphor is one type of figurative language that helps readers develop a deeper understanding of the text. Poets use metaphors to make the poems more creative, interesting and entertaining. By studying this, students can develope an appreciation for the use of language.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


  • Definition

          A stanza is a group of lines which together form one of the divisions of a poem. Stanzas in a poem usually have the length and follow the same pattern of rhyme and meter. Couplets, Tercets, and Quatrains are different types of stanzas.

  • Example
          We'd never seen the teachers,
           in a state of such distress.
          The principle was yelling,
          that the lunchroom was a mess.

  • Significance
         Stanzas resemble paragraphs. Stanzas allow readers rest and think through content they just read. Every stanza includes a concept or an idea. Stanzas help readers figure out where to stop and easily find out the messages or meanings in every stanza in a poem.


  • Definition
          Imagery is an element of poetry which is used to evoke mental images, figures, and visual senses. Imagery refers to the pictures which we perceive with our eyes, ears, nose, skin, and tongue. Imagery allows the poets show us instead of just telling what they feel.

  • Examples
         A touch of cold in the Autumn night -
         I walked abroad,
         And saw the ruddy moon lean over a hedge
         Like a red faced farmer.
         I did not stop to speak, but nodded,
        And round about were the wistful stars
        With white faces like town children.
  • Significance
          Imagery allows us to see and feel what the poets see and feel. Imagery helps us to have a better and clear understanding about poems, the meaning and the messages which the poets try to convey to us by imagining images through words.   

Friday, April 8, 2011


  • Defnition

          Poetry is a form of literary art which human language is used to express feelings, thoughts, and experiences aesthetically. Poetry can be narratives, ballads or epics and written in different ways. Poems usually have rhythm and can rhyme.
  • Example
         A poem is a little path
         That leads you through the trees.
         It takes you to the cliffs and shores,
         To anywhere you please.
         Follow it and trust your way
         With mind and heart as one,
         And when the journey's over,
         You'll find you've just begun.
  • Significance
          Poetry allows people to express their feelings, thoughts, and beliefs. Instead of confining every emotion and sentiment in our heart, we can convey our messages in a form of poetry. Poetry allows us to visualize things through words. Besides, poetry is a type of writing which should be read and learned. By studying this, students are able to have more knowledge, experiences, and find a way to express their own feelings.